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Welcome to B Side Becca. Ever get to what feels like the end of Side A in your life as kids get older, work roles change, parents need you in a different way? You sit in the pause wondering if any B side song could ever be as good as the hit single already played? It takes motivation to keep listening, keep seeking to try new things, and learning. Hope to believe there's more to be heard, sung and shared. Faith that the Lord has a plan and purpose for you as you embrace changes and new chances. I'm there. And I'm ready to flip the record.

Oct 29, 20246 min read
5 Books That Shaped My Faith
We live close to train tracks that carry freight cars all day, all night. Frequently - especially on weekends - you will find...

Oct 4, 20243 min read
Hope Tastes Like Coffee Cake
This post was originally published 6 years ago. I stand in the kitchen on a rainy October day eating blueberry coffee cake. My mom has...

Sep 25, 20243 min read
Bible Literacy Library: A Bible, A Dictionary & An Atlas
In my last post, I mentioned that I'll be working through suggesting books to read for Bible study, aka a Bible Literacy Journey. You can...

Sep 25, 20243 min read
Starting a Bible Literacy Journey
A thought has been needling my brain over the last couple of years and I have yet to do anything about it. So, what better day than today...

Aug 30, 20244 min read
What I've Been Reading Summer '24 Edition
My summer reading habits are always a bit on the lighter side with mysteries, quick reads that don't take much focus, and audiobooks, so...

Nov 30, 20236 min read
{Book Review} What I Read in November
Hi All! There are not many areas in life where I would stand up and {gently} elbow you over and say, "honey, honey, let me handle this"...

Nov 28, 20234 min read
5 Things a Daily Walk Has Taught Me
On a warmer, balmier, kinder weather day in October I started a challenge that has slowly morphed into pursuing 100 days straight of...
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Sep 28, 20238 min read
{Book Reviews} What I Read in September
I forced myself to read non-fiction that took more concentration so I didn't get lazy in my reading -and then listened to audiobooks

Sep 19, 20235 min read
ecclesiastes 3: seasons of life & the vanity of it all
This clearly isn't a great picture, so let me explain why I'm using it. I remember taking it three years ago. Sitting in a parking lot,...

Sep 12, 20234 min read
I Shall Not Want: what a grocery budget challenge teaches me about God
Tuna salad sandwich, applesauce and cottage cheese were for lunch today. Mainly because it's September. "What does September have to do...
1 comment

Aug 17, 20234 min read
Theology Thursday: Prayer Wrap Up
Hey, Hey, It's Theology Thursday! I have plans for the fall as to what topic I'll be digging into, but today is wrap up day: This summer...

Aug 5, 20234 min read
Fairly Local: Supporting Your Local Church
“I’m fairly local. I’ve been around. / I’ve seen the streets you’re walking down.” -Twenty One Pilots There's a new grocery store that's...

Aug 1, 20235 min read
5 Tips for How To Read Through the Bible
A verse pulled completely out of context promising wealth and health if only the person would pray "right." A talk on how questioning the...

Jul 28, 20234 min read
{TryDay} Book Reviews & July Days
So maybe writing a post sounded enticing as it keeps me in the comfort of the air conditioning! Heat has crept into our area, storms...

Jul 26, 202310 min read
{Book Review} When God is Silent: Let the Bible Teach You to Pray by John Koessler
This summer I've been studying prayer, so I've been writing about it, looking at prayers in the Bible, doing word studies and reading...

Jul 24, 20236 min read
5 Reasons Making a List Is a Spiritual Discipline
If there was an award for Best List Maker Ever, I would 100% nominate myself, dumping all my half-used notebooks jammed full of various...

Jul 24, 20233 min read
The Ending of the Story or: why i read
I have an hour of free time between errands. I head toward my favorite stop: the bookstore. I drift between genres, picking up books...

Jul 20, 20236 min read
{TryDay} How Ultramarathons Changed a Pastor’s Life
It's TryDay - which, in this B Side world, means it's time to share a story to hopefully inspire you to try something new. I'd like to...

Jul 17, 20234 min read
5 of My Favorite Resources for Bible Study
Have you wanted to study your Bible but were either too intimidated or too overwhelmed to know where to begin? Sadly, I think this is...

Jul 11, 20236 min read
5 Ways NOT to Be a Help to a Friend In Need
Whether we've faced it with family, friends or acquaintances, we've all been in situations where we've wondered how we can best help. And...
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